Following the epic storylines of Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III, as well as the highly anticipated Jurassic World, LEGO Jurassic World™ is the first videogame where players will be able to relive and experience all four Jurassic films.
Lego Jurassic World is a perfect port of the 2015 title with all DLC included. It does not, however, offer anything new either in the Lego game space and/or from the original. For Jurassic Park movie buffs (and/or those with little ones who are), however, this is a solid experience if this the first foray into the title. Otherwise, take a pass. Guide for lego jurassic world free download - LEGO Jurassic World, LEGO Jurassic World, LEGO Jurassic World, and many more programs. Enter to Search. My Profile Logout. Aug 12, 2015. Download the LEGO® Jurassic World™ game demo now! LEGO Jurassic World is an adventure action game for Mac. Main features: - Wreak havoc as LEGO dinosaurs: Choose from 20 dinosaurs, including the friendly Triceratops, deadly Raptor, vicious Compy and even the mighty T. Customize your own dinosaur collection: Collect LEGO amber and experiment with DNA to create completely original dinosaurs, like the Dilophosaurus Rex.
Processor: 1.8 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon 4670, NVIDIA GT120 or Intel HD4000 with 256Mb VRAM or better
Hard Drive: 15 GB available space
Additional Notes: The following graphics cards are not supported: ATI X1xxx series, ATI HD2xxx series, Intel GMA series, Intel HD3000, NVIDIA 7xxx series, NVIDIA 8xxx series, NVIDIA 9xxx and NVIDIA 3xx. This game is not currently supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive).